Steelmaking and
heating furnaces

Steelmaking and heating

Roller Heating Furnace

A roller heating furnace and a kiln roller conveyor are a set of equipment for receiving, heating and moving inside the furnace, dispensing flat billets (sheets) from the furnace. Heating of the blanks in the furnace is indirect, it is produced from special heating elements mainly by the radiation mode of their work. Sheets are fed into the furnace and discharged from the furnace at the command of the control unit based on the readings of photo sensors installed in the process line

Technical characteristics of the heating furnace.




Plasma Ore Recovery Furnace

Development LLC "EPOS-Engineering" www.

Features of the process


  • use of plasma torches, allowing to work under the charge, with a variable plasma torch geometry. Plasma torches operate on hot, unpurified gases from the furnace, with no temperature restrictions, and are considered as one of the important tools for process control;
  •  controlled and controlled hydrogen and carbon oxide media work as main reducing agents;
  • a high shaft is used, in which the processes of drying, preheating and solid-phase reduction take place, conditions are created for the correct course of reduction processes in the solid phase;
  • use of recirculation of hot gases along the shortest contour of the furnace, through the plasma torch and a specially organized system of recirculation, which provides recycling of the components of the top gas gases, making full use of the reducing and thermal capabilities of the plasma-forming gases from the furnace atmosphere;
  • EPOS-process takes place in the absence of additional excess oxidant, at the exit of the furnace – CO2 and H2O vapors;
  • a special form of controlled reaction zone is used, in which the resulting metal and slags are reduced and melted, chemical reactions are completed;
  • a “self-contained” briquette containing ore material, carbonaceous reducing agent is used in ratios balanced for complete recovery of the ore components for this process and the design of the working area.
  • The set of solutions provides the extraction of useful components from ore up to 95% and energy savings up to 2 or more times in comparison with existing RWPs



New design of the plasma torch





  • Briquette must have mechanical strength and resistance to cracking in cold and hot conditions up to a given temperature.
  • briquette must have a gas permeability sufficient for the reactions to pass through the entire volume of the briquette.
  • Briquette should have a carefully selected composition, with a certain predetermined fractional component.
  • Briquettes should not be connected to a gas-tight formation in the furnace, thereby terminating the mine permeability and gas recirculation, and should take the correct form in the respective zones of the furnace.
  • The problem of briquette is one of the most important, and the solutions found for this problem, combined with smelting modes, is one of the most important know-how in creating high-quality technology and design of shaft furnaces of this type.



1.5 MW plasma shaft furnace for the production of silicon-manganese


The electric ARC furnace

Constructive furnace solutions focus on creating equipment for operation at ultimate loads. The design of the furnace allows to obtain the required melting power without disturbing the quality of the steel produced, as well as without compromising the reliability of the equipment, the environment and the general safety of all furnace operations.



  • Furnace capacity from 2 to more than 300 tons
  • One or three points for raising the arch
  • Swivel axle with pin with crown or roller bearing
  • Copper or aluminum conductive console
  • Detachable Fe-Cu water-cooled upper casing panels and roof panels
  • Combined scheme of input raw materials (scrap metal, DRI / HBI, HotMetal,)
  • Melt mirror size from 0% to 40% by weight of produced steel in accordance with the selected raw materials
  • CBM Index (UHP) from 0.5 to 1.5 MVA / t
  • From one to several baskets for loading
  • Exhaust systems with bottom outlet or discharge chute
  • Individual design and calculation of the production process technology in accordance with the assortment of filling and ligatures.


Distinctive features of the design of an electric arc furnace


  • Modern technical solutions for integrated heating of scrap metal and electric arc furnace
  • Ultra High Chemical Power Consumption (UHChP)
  • Integrated fuel engineering solutions
  • Integrated technical solutions for the introduction of master alloys (carbon, lime, FeSi, Al powder, etc.)
  • System to control slag removal from an electric arc furnace and increase overall productivity.
  • The strengthened design of the water-cooled elements for increase of safety and increase in term of operation
  • Integrated electrode monitoring system.
  • Integrated control of the smelting process.
  • Integrated system to optimize furnace operation.